Our 500ml metal bottles are made from 100% recycled aluminium and contain an internal coating. The aluminium that is used in these bottles conforms to strict purity standards for packaging that is intended to come in contact with foodstuff and drinks for human and pets. The internal coating forms a protective barrier between the aluminium bottle and the product inside. We selected this coating because it has been verified to be safe for use with food and drinks, and conforms to several UK and EU regulations*, including some for materials that come into contact with food. Aluminium bottles with the same type of internal coating are already used by other global cosmetic brands for similar types of products.
We have extensively tested our products inside the coated aluminium bottles to ensure their compatibility over the 30 months shelf life of the liquid products inside. The filled bottles are stored in a 40 degrees Celsius oven, to accelerate the ageing of the products, and they are monitored and tested at 2, 4, 8, 12 and 24 weeks. By testing the products after 24 weeks’ storage in the 40°C oven, we have simulated and even exceeded the equivalent of the product’s 30 months shelf life – plus an extra 12 months after their opening at ambient temperature. To be extra vigilant, we tested a selection of our products after one year inside the aluminium bottles in the 40°C oven, far exceeding the shelf life. In addition, we keep products in aluminium bottles inside a fridge and at room temperature – and these are also monitored and tested at 2, 4, 8, 12 and 24 weeks, 1 year and 30 months. The products that are stored in the fridge act as a control standard and simulate cold climates, and the room temperature storage will verify the 12 weeks accelerated at 40°C study when it reaches 30 months.
Please be assured that the safety of our products, alongside our ethics, is our number one priority. We have all our products independently safety assessed by qualified assessors in line with strict UK and European cosmetics and toiletries regulations.
* includes Food Contact Regulations (EU) No 1935/2004/CE of 27th October 2004 on material and articles intended to come into contact with food and 2023/2006 of 22nd December 2006 on good manufacturing practices